well meaning
- adj.出于好心的,好心好意的,善意的(但常事与愿违)

Our freedom is being eroded by quite well meaning and insidious bureaucrats .
While some parents are terribly ill-prepared for the task of raising children , most parents are well meaning and would like to have a greater role in their children 's lives .
He 's very well meaning .
Such well meaning people just don 't understand .
That is why it is difficult for well meaning outsiders to change things for better or worse .
Western-led development strategies , however well meaning , did not break the cycle of under-development in Africa .
Unscrupulous bird dealers would recapture such birds for resale to well meaning devotees .
Have you ever seen well meaning Christians place too much hope in a particular view of prophecy that turned out to be disappointing ?
Other well meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school , saying : " It s too late ! They re all dead ! You can t help !
The actual is that each one is seeking power , titles , positions of authority , and so on-all of which is covered up in various forms by well meaning words .
In an equilibrium of a game or an economy , people are satisfied with their choices . That is why it is difficult for well meaning outsiders to change things for better or worse .
Regulators have not yet created clear rules on how they should be protected and even businesses are finding well meaning suppliers or facilities managers have accidentally created holes in their corporate networks by adding connected devices .
Most parents are well meaning , but some of them aren 't veryhelpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in adjusting tocollege , and a few of them seem to go out of their way to add to theirchildren 's difficulties .
The longer this unwillingness to name and confront the problem goes on , the more succor well meaning elites inadvertently lend to those who would paint the world 's Muslims with one single , simple , bigoted , broad brush .
Most parents are well meaning , but some of them aren 't very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in adjusting to college . And a few of them seem to go out of their way to add to their children 's difficulties .
And two weeks later , Sunday morning , 9th of January , I found myself standing in front of my congregation intelligent , well meaning , mostly thoughtful Christian people , and I needed to express , on their behalf , our feelings and our questions .
The ideal example translation can achieve formal correspondence as well as meaning equivalence .
But this well - meaning young man , despite his advanced ideas , was still limited in his thinking .
But dreams always had a latent content as well , meaning the hidden implication of the dream .
We must understand well the meaning of the scientific view of development and enhance the study on women in the guidance of it .
Hermeneutics is a subject which seeks meaning of text as well as meaning of comprehension and creation .
A belief is a structure with semantic content , and it has higher-order intentionality as well as meaning .
It points out that not only his dividing has sufficient evidence , but also his incommensurability of new-old physics has as well creative meaning .
Yet when the trial was eventually run and published , in 2005 , it turned out that the well - meaning steroid injections had been inadvertently killing people .
I 'm looking for how it burns , the taste , if it 's flushed well & meaning you don 't want to taste the fertilizers or chemicals .
The intangible assets is the precious wealth of the enterprise , so enterprises should attach the importance to the intangible assets , they must know well the meaning of the intangible assets in the new economy environment .
At the beginning of the article , the autor gives a brief introduction to the academic history and literature review , as well as meaning of the topics and purpose of the study , meanwhile the logical structure and research methods .
Such grave , serious and experienced ladies well know their meaning .
Then the key factors on the shipping enterprises ' sustainable development ability are analyzed , as well as the meaning of it .
Homo-morpheme and Reversed Sequence Phenomenon as well as Its Meaning in Chinese Language & Another Research on the Boundary between Word and Phrase